Transfer of Training. Fundamentally Important.

Every coach who plans activities for their team hopes that the effort the players put into the activities will result in improved skills and better performance. For this to occur, the planned activity and how it is carried out must have the potential to change behavior or capabilities in the specific environment, referred to as transfer in the coaching community. Coaches spend significant time working with young athletes on fundamental skills, also known as basic techniques. This investment is made with the belief that mastering these movements will help the player perform better in more complex situations. Is this belief accurate in reality? I welcome your thoughts, discussions, and experiences on this topic.

Czytaj dalejTransfer of Training. Fundamentally Important.

Fifteen traps that youth coaches often fall into.

1. Fundamentals before the game? Not necessarily! 2. Is fun an add-on? It's crucial! 3. Is winning more important than development? Think about it! 4. Tired? Forget about speed! 5.. Models of the game? Start with the principles! 6. Talent identification? Development first! 7. Copy - Paste? It doesn't work! 8. Are errors a lack of quality? Learning doesn't look pretty. 9. Youth coach - for a while? A valuable specialist! 10. Shouting? Find another solution! 11. Mental resilience? Try to understand why! 12. Hiding a weakness? No - exposure to the problem! 13. Early assignment of positions? Swap it for comprehensive development! 14. Lack of youth-led activity? Create the conditions! 15. One-sided communication? Conscious dialogue is needed!

Czytaj dalejFifteen traps that youth coaches often fall into.

15 błędów w sporcie młodzieżowym – jak ich uniknąć?

1. Fundamenty przed grą? Niekoniecznie! 2. Zabawa to dodatek? Uwierz mi, jest kluczowa! 3. Zwycięstwo ważniejsze niż rozwój? Przemyśl to! 4. Zmęczony? Zapomnij o szybkości! 5. Modele gry? Zacznij od zasad! 6. Identyfikacja talentów? Najpierw rozwój! 7. Gotowce? To nie działa! 8. Błędy to brak jakości? Nauka nie wygląda ładnie. 9. Trener dzieci i młodzieży – na chwilę? Wartościowy specjalista! 10. Krzyk? Znajdź inne rozwiązanie! 11. Odporność psychiczna? Spróbuj zrozumieć, dlaczego! 12. Ukrywanie słabości? Nie, ekspozycja na problem! 13. Wczesne przydzielanie pozycji? Zamień na wszechstronny rozwój! 14. Brak aktywności kierowanej przez młodych ludzi? Stwórz warunki! 15. Jednostronna komunikacja? Potrzebny świadomy dialog!

Czytaj dalej15 błędów w sporcie młodzieżowym – jak ich uniknąć?